Evaluation of eDNA concentration of Vibrio anguillarum correlated with infection and immune response in zebrafish (Danio rerio).

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

The consumption of aquatic products increases constantly at higher rate than the human world population. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation, fisheries have reached their limits since 2018. Aquaculture embodies presently the only alternative to meet the existing demand for healthy aquatic products. In the context of demands to reduce environmental impact, conventional farming methods are facing many issues. Recirculated aquaculture systems (RAS) represent a promising and sustainable alternative for fish production and although they witness an on-growing interest, many challenges remain. Therefore, these challenges gave birth to a European project (RASOPTA) in which a novel chip tool for the Aquaculture industry will be developed based on environmental DNA (eDNA) from water samples as a biomonitoring method for multiple purposes (water quality, off-flavour and fish health). Disease management in RAS constitutes a significant lever to avoid losses and reduce the use of treatments. In the present study, we infected zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism for cyprinids with the causative agent of vibriosis (Vibrio anguillarum), under stressful and non-stressful conditions to fit representative farming conditions. Over seven days, water and fish samples were collected to evaluate V. anguillarum eDNA levels, pathology and immune-relevant gene expression. Results will be further discussed. This study constitutes a major input to the development of the chip technology that will represent a novel tool for Aquaculture and RAS productions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2022
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Event4th International conference of fish & shellfish immunology - Bodø, Norway
Duration: 12 Dec 202215 Dec 2022


Conference4th International conference of fish & shellfish immunology

ID: 341604477